
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Episode 4: Mongolface (Marco Polo)
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
In this episode, the Watchers discuss Marco Polo, in which almost every character spends seven episodes blissfully ignoring who the villain actually is. Along the way, Julie brings the Bechdel test into play, Reilly throws shade on Marco Polo’s character, Don enthuses over “drunk” Ian, and Anthony admits his love for Barbara. The team wraps up the episode by discussing the missing episodes – how they came to be missing, the returns that have happened, and the rumors around the ongoing search.
For those who want to watch along with us, this one is missing, so you can’t actually watch it. However, the narrated soundtrack is available as a standalone release through Amazon US, and as part of The Lost TV Episodes: Collection One on Amazon UK. To avoid any potential problems around copyright infringement, we’re not linking directly to any of the reconstructions, but they’re relatively easy to find with a wonderful tool called Google.
Finally, you can also follow us and interact with us on various forms of social media – Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you’re enjoying this podcast, please leave us a review on your preferred podcasting app.

Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Episode 3: Susan Loves Scissoring (The Edge of Destruction)
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
In this episode, the Watchers discuss The Edge of Destruction, the only Doctor Who story that directly contradicts your mother’s instructions not to run with scissors (with hilarious consequences). Along the way, Julie indulges her inner musician, Reilly ponders whether the show could’ve continued without Barbara, while Don and Anthony compare the Doctor to Carl Sagan and William Shatner, respectively. The team wraps up by discussing whether or not anyone would remember the show if it had ended with this serial.
For those who want to watch along with us, you can find this story on DVD from either Amazon US (https://amzn.to/3p9V4vC), or Amazon UK (https://amzn.to/30CTh8p). If you prefer to stream, you can find this story through Britbox in both the US (http://www.britbox.com) and the UK (http://www.britbox.co.uk)
Finally, you can also follow us and interact with us on various forms of social media – Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you’re enjoying this podcast, please leave us a review on your preferred podcasting app.

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Episode 2: Sex Pants and Naiveté (The Daleks)
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
The Watchers continue their quest to watch their way through all of Doctor Who, moving onto the second serial – The Daleks (which, unsurprisingly, introduces us to The Daleks). Along the way, Julie decides to no longer hold back on her commentary around Susan, Don gets confused (and a little excited) about Thal fashion, Reilly muses on Dalek art and architecture, and Anthony brings up Ian’s simmering bloodlust.
For those who want to watch along with us, you can find this story on DVD from either Amazon US (https://amzn.to/3p9V4vC), or Amazon UK (https://amzn.to/30CTh8p). If you prefer to stream, you can find this story through Britbox in both the US (http://www.britbox.com) and the UK (http://www.britbox.co.uk)
Finally, you can also follow us and interact with us on various forms of social media – Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you’re enjoying this podcast, please leave us a review on your preferred podcasting app.

Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Episode 1: Susan Loves Slayer (An Unearthly Child)
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Anthony, Don, Julie, and Reilly kick off their quest to watch their way through all of Doctor Who with, unsurprisingly, the very first serial – An Unearthly Child (or possibly The Tribe of Gum, or possibly 100,000 B.C., depending on your persuasion).
For those who want to watch along with us, you can find this story on DVD from either Amazon US (https://amzn.to/3p9V4vC), or Amazon UK (https://amzn.to/30CTh8p). If you prefer to stream, you can find this story through Britbox in both the US (http://www.britbox.com) and the UK (http://www.britbox.co.uk)
Finally, you can also follow us and interact with us on various forms of social media – Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you’re enjoying this podcast, please leave us a review on your preferred podcasting app.